Regione Lazio gets the financing for the Coast Contract of the Agro pontino and for the Amaseno and Ufente river

Regione Lazio gets a funding of 20 thousand euros for the Coast Contract of the Agro pontino. With 437 thousand euros, Regione Lazio decides to support 19 projects for the development of the Costa, Fiume and Lago Contracts. The resources will also go to the Amaseno and Ufente river Contracts.

The Costa, Fiume and Lago Contracts are included in the national legislation with the law no. 221 of 28 December 2015 and they represent means of participation and integrated planning for environmental requalification. The Contracts aim at the correct safeguarding  and valorisation of water resources, river territories and coastal areas.

For these Contracts, natural environments are common goods to be managed with the participation of public and private institutions operating in the territory.

The document of intent of the Coast Contract of the Agro pontino was signed  on July 16th in the Loffredo room of the Province of Latina and identifies the water area of ​​Rio Martino, for a total extension of about 440 sq. Km.

The Costa, Fiume and Lago Contracts and the LIFE Greenchange project will adopt specific measures and interventions with a shared methods to improve the water quality in the Pianura pontina, rich of intensive farmings and agricultural practices