
In order to build transfer paths of the GREENCHANGE model at national, Mediterranean and community level, and to work on the construction of a Mediterranean-level network (AGRIMED Pact) bringing together working on issues related to the agroecosystems ecological functionality as a favourable environment for the promotion of the transfer of the GREENCHANGE intervention model, GREENCHANGE project partners assiduously participate in national and international events and exchange seminars.
Among these we highlight the following with which a fruitful collaboration between partnerships has already started:

  • Interreg MED WETNET – Coordinated Management of Mediterranean Wetlands

    The aim of the project is to improve the effectiveness of conservation policies in relation to wetlands protected in the MED area. It will be analyzed, will test and disseminate institutional collaboration and a mechanism for the integration and coordination of the various political plans and initiatives that affect the protected wetlands, while participatory tools will be tested in order to actively involve local stakeholders in the conservation, management and sustainable development of ecosystems and landscapes of the wetlands. The project started on 1st of November 2016 and is expected to be completed on 30th April 2019 (30 months). Project is being implemented in 6 Mediterranean countries (Slovenia, France, Malta, Portugal, Italy and Spain) and the Project pilot implementation activities take part in 9 Protected Areas.
  • Interreg med coasting

    COASTING is a capitalisation project based on the ICZM principles application, aiming at enhancing the effectiveness of a multilevel governance tool like Coast Contract (Contract de Baie), transferring a shared methodology mostly centred on the stakeholders’ involvement, and focusing tools and actions more deeply on the tourism sector sustainability and qualification. In accordance with the ICZM protocol, COASTING aims to apply its principles to enhance qualification and use of natural resources, to create social accountability through a participation process so to develop a coherent framework for coastal recovery and management, increasing coordination for actions related to sustainable and responsible coastal and maritime tourism in the MED area.
  • INTERREG ITALY-CROATIA CREW – Coordinated Wetland management in Italy-Croatia cross border region

    CREW tackles the issue of implementing a multilevel governance tool in order to achieve overall effects on coastal wetlands ecosystems and socio-economic related systems by overcoming fragmentations that are often jeopardizing the sustainable development and preservation of these fragile areas. CREW aims at ensuring higher coordination between different level of spatial planning and authorities in charge for wetlands management, whilst limiting conflicts between preservation issues and economic activities.

  • Maristanis

    MARISTANIS is an international cooperation project that aims at defining an integrated management model for the coastal wetlands of the Gulf of Oristano, cofunded by MAVA Foundation and coordinated by the MEDSEA Foundation, in collaboration with the Marine Protected Area “Sinis Peninsula – Mal di Ventre island” and with FLAG Pescando. The project is working in parallel with three other projects cofunded by MAVA in Tunisia, Montenegro and Albania, pursues the objective of protecting and enhancing the 6 Ramsar areas of the Gulf of Oristano and the Sinis peninsula.