LIFE GREENCHANGE targets the northern region of Malta (9,025.96 ha) and the island of Gozo (6,700 ha), two areas with a high concentration of agricultural activity.
In the Northern region of Malta, 58% of the land is used for agricultural purposes, particularly for the cultivation of annual crops. Agro-ecosystems are even more relevant in Gozo, where they cover 61% of the total area of the island, 80% of which consist of annual crops. Here one can find the few wildflower strips that exist in the Maltese archipelago, as well as agricultural areas afforested with eucalyptus and acacia.
The specific areas targeted by the demonstration action “Linear ecological connections, rubble walls and wildflower strips in the agricultural areas of Gozo and Northern Malta” (C9) are:

- Ta’ Mena Estate. This land, located in Gozo, has a total area of 7.306 ha, mostly cultivated with olive trees, vineyards and barley, and partly used for rural tourism and as multipurpose venue.
- Ta’ Fardala. It is a small field in Gozo, with a total area of 0.6 ha, for the most part cultivated with olive trees, barley and seasonal vegetables. The rest is covered by superficial water and a beekeeping area.
- Ta’ Canti. This field, located in Gozo, has a total area of 1.7 ha, completely used for agricultural purpose and planted mainly with vineyards and barley.
- Ghajn Damma, is another field located in Xaghra, Gozo with a total of area of 0.79ha cultivated with citrus and olive trees and partly used for rural tourism.
- Xlendi. This field, with a total area of 0,7 ha, is part of the Gozitan Natura 2000 site L-Inħawi tax-Xlendi u tal-Wied tal-Kantra, and hosts cultivation of seasonal vegetables..
- Manikata. A small organic field in northern Malta, close to the Majjistral Natural Park, with a total area of 0.67 ha, mainly planted with seasonal vegetables. A part of the area is managed by the local cooperative “Koperattiva Rurali Manikata” which organises regular educational visit and activities.