100 years of Confagricoltura. The new challanges of Confagricoltura Latina pass through the LIFE Greenchange project

Confagricoltura turned 100 years old. It is the oldest organization of Italian farmers for the agricultural policies in our country.

Last mounth, there was a special event to celebrate this anniversary and build new challenges for the coming years. Farmers, managers and stakeholders took part in a meeting called “Identity and future”, also discussing about innovation, climate changes and environmental sustainability.

As a partner of the LIFE Greenchange project, Confagricoltura of Latina deals with these issues togheter with the others partner: Provincia di Latina, U-Space, Consorzio Poliedra Politecnico di Milano, Cirf – Centro italiano per la riqualificazione fluviale and Miema – Malta intelligent energy management.

The new edition of LIFE Greenchange project aims to strengthen the ecological value of the rural and natural environments of the Agro pontino. The LIFE Greenchange project wants to create a balance between the activities of farmers and rural environments of the Pianura pontina, implementing low environmental impact agricultural practices.

For this reason, one of the main tasks of Confagricoltura Latina will be to inform, train and increase farmers’ awareness of the importance of their role for the conservation of biodiversity in our territory.

Therefore, one of the most recent actions was the opening of an information desk entirely dedicated to the farmers in the headquarters of Confagricoltura Latina.