The Ossigeno project will plant 6 million trees

The Ossigeno project will plant 6 million trees in our territory, thanks to funding from the Regione Lazio. Regione Lazio, from 2020 to 2022, will plant and manage the new shrubs.

The project will involve schools, universities, hospitals, regional parks, museums and libraries. Already last november, for the national world day of Trees, 5 thousand shrubs were planted from the regional park of Monti Aurunci. It has been a process followed by agronomists, technicians, volunteers from the civil protection associations and by the staff of the protected natural areas of Lazio. It will work with new plantings, around 100,000 per quarter.

Why Regione Lazio invest in the plantation of new trees?

Because trees offer oxygen, food, water and wood; they design the landscape, contrast hydrogeological instability and protect biodiversity. So also the european LIFE Greenchange project has chosen to plant several lines of trees in the area of the Agro pontino countryside. Tree line hedges are also called ecological corridors and allow the transit, the stop and the shelter for animals.

The trees, that will be planted by the Ossigeno project, will be of typical species of our areas: coastal areas, hills or mountains. In the first step, the project includes Latina and its province: monti Ausoni, Lago di Fondi, monti Aurunci, San Felice Circeo, Terracina.

In addition to the public institutions, private institutions  of Lazio are also invited to contribute by filling out the form on the Regione Lazio web site.

The goal to be achieved is to plant a tree for each people of Lazio, cutting 240,000 tons of CO2 per year.