Management of windbreak strips at school with LIFE Greenchange team

LIFE Greenchange concludes the educational path with lessons on the management of windbreak strips at the San Benedetto professional institute of Latina. The institute owns a farm with tree-lined strips.

The path comes from the collaboration between Province of Latina, leading body of the project co-financed by the European program for the environment and climate LIFE, and the school of higher education.

The aim is making students promoters of the protection of biodiversity and supporters of sustainable agricultural systems in the Agro pontino.

The lessons were held by the partners: Consorzio Poliedra, U-space and Confagricoltura Latina, with the support of the other partners Cirf and Miema.

The theoretical lessons, which began last school year, illustrated the actions planned by LIFE Greenchange in the Agro pontino and its intervention strategy based on the development of territorial governance systems such as the Pact for biodiversity and the custody agreements of the territory.

In may, during the outdoor activities, the students understood how the windbreak strip of the institute is currently structured and what are its criticalities.

Among other activities, the LIFE Greenchange team explained to the students how to measure height and the diameter of the trees, a useful action for implementing green infrastructures, and how describe its structure and composition.