Ministry of the environment supports LIFE Rewetland project replicability for the safeguard of water in Italy

LIFE Rewetland is a replicable project in Italy, thanks to the good results for improving the waters resources in the Agro Pontino. The project is supported by the Piattaforma delle Conoscenze, the tool of the Ministero dell’Ambiente that facilitates the sharing of solutions already tested for the environment and climate. (Click here for more information).

Public and private institutions, that plan investments, can follow the example of projects wich have developed innovative solutions and good methodologies, like Rewetland. These operations will allow for right management of European funds.

Rewetland has invested in phytodepuration in areas stressed by intensive agricultural activities. Acting on an area of ​​700 km, it took care of the entire network of remediation channels of the Agro Pontino, with shared management of the water system.

Rewetland has accomplished 4 pilot projects: ecotonal bands, filter ecosystems and artificial wetland that reduce pollution by pesticides and reduce pollution that coming from the waters of the fields.

Regione Marche has expressed interest in the Rewetland project. As soon as possibile, a visit will be organized in the Agro Pontino area, thanks to the porgram of the Ministero dell’Ambiente “Mettiamoci in riga”

In the midtime, LIFE continues its activity in the province of Latina. The new project Greenchange  protects waters and enhances agro-ecosystems to create a greater balance between rural environments and agricultural activities.

Due to the Coronavirus emergency, LIFE Greenchange will continue to work from home and will be operational as soon as possible.