Greenchange promotes the replicability of the project’s strategy and intervention tools.

Action E3 encourages the exchange of Greenchange knowledge, data and good practices and the sharing of results achieved.
Through dialogue with the main stakeholders, Greenchange will verify the conditions of replicability of the proposed strategy, for strengthening the ecological value of agricultural systems in the Agro pontino and in the Maltese islands.

It starts with inspections by the partner CIRF and the Agro Pontino reclamation consortium. The canals affected by the project will be analyzed and presented as pilot cases in a technical document, that will integrate the specific guidelines for the management of remediation canals.
A workshop on the topic will be organized together with the Consortium and the ANBI.
During the summer school, planned by Greenchange, the technical document will be presented and shared with the reclamation consortium of central and southern Italy.

We hope that Greenchange will become a model that can be replicated in national, Mediterranean and community contexts.