The Municipality of Latina launches Upper project, a new way to rethink green areas and urban parks

“Upper” is a project for the recovery of urban parks and green areas in the city of Latina with the use of nature based solutions.

It will be launched on friday 13 december by the Municipality of Latina which obtained funding from the European call for innovative Urban actions (UIA).

The Municipality of Latina has been selected, together with 5 other italian cities, to test innovative solutions dedicated to sustainable development.

The recovery, protection and management of green areas will be discussed at the De Pasquale hall of the Municipality in Piazza del Popolo.

The meeting will begin in the morning with the kick off of the partners and the institutional greetings of the mayor Damiano Coletta.

Speeches by Cristina Leggio, councilor for the international city, youth policies, participation and smart city and by Pier Paolo Saraceno, project manager and permanent secretary for innovative urban actions will follow.

At 11.30 am, the project coordinator Angelica Vagnozzi will illustrate how the project will work.

The project will focus on the regeneration of green spaces with phyto depuration and filtration systems, engineering operations and services for people.

4 operational thematic areas will be discussed:

  • Environment, with the speech of Nicoletta Valle of the Caetani Foundation;
  • Wellness, with Roberta Cocchioni of the Labirinto social cooperative;
  • Development, with Alberto Budoni of CER.SI.TES;
  • Participation, with Chiara De Grandi of Tesserae urban social research.

A meeting with the other cities, that received the funding, will follow and it will be a great moment to share the experience.

At 5.30 pm a workshop  with the citizens of Latina will be held to rethink together the concept of urban park.