Poplar grove re-qualification and wetland construction in the Gelasio Caetani farm

The Province of Latina LIFE Greenchange project completes the works for the construction of the wetland in the Gelasio Caetani farm.

The project notes the presence of numerous species related to wetlands such as teals, egrets and herons, as well as traces of nocturnal birds and the dytiscus, a predatory beetle.

The construction of the wetland and a windbreak belt, together with the restoration of the riparian vegetation of the Epitaffio ditch and the drainage canals, is carried out by the teamwork of Confagricoltura Latina, CIRF, Consorzio Poliedra, Miema Malta and U-Space, with the coordination of the Province of Latina.

Thanks to the co-financing of the LIFE European program for the environment and climate, the partners of the LIFE Greenchange planned a series of multifunctional green infrastructure interventions in the pilot areas of the Agro Pontino and in the Maltese archipelago.


The wetland was built within a pre-existing poplar grove and is characterized by variable depths ranging from a few centimeters to a maximum of 30-40 cm.

The use of water is absolutely sustainable and environmentally friendly.

The pond is supplied by the Epitaffio ditch with a lifting system powered by a photovoltaic system. The excess water returns to the Epitaffio ditch.

Inside the humid environment and on the banks, islets and small hills were built with; trees and shrubs have been planted on these structures and on the banks, while aquatic plant species have been planted in the water.

More or less deep water, temporarily emerged or submerged areas, small wooded areas, shrubs, clearings, meadows, marginal areas between the forest and the pond.

The system is able to meet the ecological needs of a large number of animal and plant species.