The Assembly of River Contracts of Agro Pontino and Amaseno will be held on 6 May from 3.30 to 7 pm.
The meeting aims to bring together the four River and Coast Contracts (Ufente river, Amaseno river, Cavata Linea Pio river and Agro Pontino coast – Lazio, Italy), to activate synergies and identify common and shared strategies.
The meeting focused on some of the common challenges faced in coastal areas and introduced instruments such as the River and Coast Contracts in order to apply the Integrated Coastal Zone management (ICZM) model on local scale.
The event is organized, in an online format, by the XIII Consortium of mountain municipalities Lepini e Ausoni /(Italy) with the Province of Latina, lead partner of the Coast Contract of the Agro Pontino.

The Province of Latina encourages municipalities to implement environmental redevelopment measures contained in the REWETLAND project plan. Thanks to these measures, in addition to REWETLAND, GREENCHANGE and ENI CBCMED CO-Evolve4BG projects have been co-financed to implement the River and Coastal Contracts for which the Province of Latina intends to play a coordinating role in the Pontine valley.
The President of the Province of Latina, Carlo Medici, inaugurates the meeting.