We celebrate World Biodiversity Day on May 22nd

Today we celebrate the international adoption of the Convention on Biological Diversity in 1992. Following this act, the UN established the World Biodiversity Day.

The Convention, remembered as one of three Rio conventions (from the first world conference of heads of state on the environment in Rio de Janeiro) represented a real turning point for the 196 countries that ratified the international treaty.

The international treaty aims at the conservation of biodiversity, the sustainable use of biodiversity and the right conservation of the assets deriving from the use of genetic resources.

These 3 objectives are fundamental for the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030.

Unfortunately today we are far from achieving good results.

For this reason, slogan chosen by the UN for the event is:

“We are part of the solution”

To remember that the answer to the global challenge for sustainability belongs to the actions of each of us.

“Our solutions are in Nature”