C7 – Environmental requalification in livestock farms

The action consists in a demonstrative project aimed at increasing the biodiversity of the minor reticulum for draining rainwater system in the Roana livestock farm. The farm is involved in the management and maintenance of interventions signing a land stewardship agreement. The action includes:

  • The plant and the preservation of the hygrophilous and mesophilous riparian vegetation, functional both to the conservation of biodiversity (also for entomofauna) and to the support of the natural purification processes of the waste water of the agricultural land, affected by natural fertilization through spreading of zootechnical sewage, reducing the nitrogen inputs;
  • The maintenance of grassed river banks;
  • Planting helophytic vegetation (Phragmites australis, Typha latifolia, etc.) with some traits combining linear elements with helophytes and shrubs.


  • D1 Project C7 – Starting technical report
  • D2 Project C7 – Mid-term technical report
  • D3 Project C7 – Final technical report