C2 – Orienting and training farmers to enhance ES in rural areas

The action promotes methods for farm planning and management based on ecosystem services (SE) assessment and the promotion of the green infrastructures. The action encourages, through support to farmers for access to CAP and RDP funding, the adoption of low-impact cultivation practices compatible with the supply of SEs, and addressing the factors that hinder the achievement of the objectives of environment and biodiversity.

The action includes the design and implementation of 5 tools to support farmers:

1) Catalogue: collection of agronomic practices for the target territories, identifying their economic, productive and environmental impacts in the short and long term;              
2) App: the mobile application allows planning and assessment of sustainability and business effectiveness in agronomic, economic and ecological terms;        
3) Information desk: providing advice on agronomic practices compatible with the provision of SEs, facilitates access to funding sources (CAP, RDP, etc.) and the procedures to be fulfilled;   
4) Guidelines: an instrument for informing farmers about the access to public financing;              
5) Laboratory training module: a course to present the LIFE GREENCHANGE theoretical bases and its intervention strategy to farmers and students in the Agro Pontino and in Malta.


  • D1 Catalogue of agricultural practices impacts
  • D2 App user manual
  • D3 Training module
  • D4 App
  • D5 Guidelines for investments in the agricultural sector


  • M1 Second release of the App
  • M2 Info point start up