On 16 march, Greenchange project took part in the LIFE online meeting “A priority for Europe. Investing in the protection and restoration of Nature ”organized by the Ministry of ecological transition as part of the project“ Metiamoci in Riga”

The European conference involves several projects of the LIFE program. It is an important networking opportunity to spread the good practices from European projects on biodiversity objectives.
4 technical session were organized:
good management practices;
strengthening of biodiversity in agriculture,
contrasting ecological fragmentation;
protection from invasive aline species.
Greenchange intervened at the table dedicated to agriculture and biodiversity. The partner U-space and the lead organization Province of Latina illustrated the LIFE greenchange project and the Pact of biodiversity for incresing the functionality and ecological connectivity of rural areas.
LIFE Greenchange partners explained the Pact of Biodiversity as an agreement among public and private actors involved in the management and implementation of agricultural policies, for the systematization of interventions and an understanding on priorities, methods of intervention and financing, towards objectives of conservation and restoration of ecosystems.