#AUTUMN SCHOOL, the LIFE Greenchange training meetings

The LIFE Greenchange #AUTUMN SCHOOL meetings were held in November and December 2022. A cycle of training sessions for dialogue and discussion dedicated to the main players and stakeholders in the Agro pontino. The meetings dealt with the management of the drenage network, ecosystem services and the common agricultural policy PAC with the land stewardship agreements. The meetings are part of the action E3 of the LIFE Greenchange projetc: Promoting a “green change” in rural areas: replicability of project strategies and intervention toolsand will serve to initiate transfer and replicability paths of the “Greenchange model”.

The action concerns the transfer of GREENCHANGE tools: Pact for Biodiversity as an instrument for multilevel governance in rural areas through a process of exchange and capacity building, river restoration methodologies and farmers’ engagement methods.