Today is World Environment Day.
It is celebrated on June 5 to commemorate the Stockholm Conference of 1972.

International cooperation for environmental protection begins with the United Nations conference.
To improve the living conditions of man we must safeguard the Planet so the UN approved a declaration of principles estabilishing that the Umanity is higly responsible for the health of the Earth.
The program is drawn up in 26 points which represent the guidelines for actions and agreements shared by the Member States for the benefit of future generations.
To the date, the indications that invite to take care of the Planet have been disregarded.
For this reason, the slogan of the 47th edition of #Worldenvironmentday2021 is
“Reimagine, Recreate, Restore”.
It is the call to recreate and restore ecosystems, because humanity is using about 1.6 times the amount of services that Nature can provide in a sustainable way. (Report Becoming #GenerationRestoration: Ecosystem recovery for people, nature anche climate”).
For Antonio Guterres, General Secretary UN:
“We cannot go back in time.
But we can grow trees, green ou cities, re-naturalize our gardens, change our diets and clean rivers and coasts. We are the generation which can make peace with Nature. We should try to become active, not anxious.
Let’s be bold, not shy”